Our signature treatments are recommended for prolonged, troublesome, and often enigmatic muscle pain and dysfunction

They are also recommended for injury prevention and as an adjunct to physical therapy. Treatments address soft tissue sources of the pain derived from muscle, fascia, tendons, ligament, and nerve entrapments.

Neuromuscular and/or Manual Trigger Point Therapy

360 NMT's advanced practitioners have completed either Neuromuscular Therapy (CNMT) and/or Manual Trigger Point Therapy (CMTPT) intensive continuing education programs. They use an ‘evidence-informed’ neuromuscular approach to resolve pain. Examples of conditions treated in the upper body include whiplash, headache and migraine, TMJ, neck and shoulder pain, epicondylosis, and carpal tunnel syndrome, among others. Examples in the lower body include chronic back pain, pelvic pain, sciatic and hip pain, IT Band syndrome, patella femoral syndrome, and plantar fasciitis, among many others.

Manual and soft tissue techniques

Initial evaluations include a detailed postural assessment and muscle length testing to ascertain the effect of short and tight muscles on bones and joints. Manual and soft tissue techniques are used to deactivate trigger points, improve muscular imbalance, resolve nerve entrapments, and correct static and dynamic postural distortion. Home care activities may be recommended to expedite recovery time. Cumulative results from NMT treatment include decreased pain, improved performance and increased joint range-of-motion.



For more information please call
781-444-3609 or fill out the form: